The Waste Management Association of Malaysia (WMAM), in continued partnership with Yayasan Anak Warisan Alam (Yawa), an NGO dedicated to raising environmental awareness, organised the "Hari bergotong royong taman tasik shah alam" at Tasik Shah Alam, Selangor recently.

Eighty young eco-explorers, aged from 10 to 17, took part in one special day.

The campaign is a local initiative started by The Waste Management Association of Malaysia (WMAM) three years ago with the aim of equipping youths with a deeper environmental responsibility and awareness. This year they decided to make it as "Hari bergotong royong taman tasik shah alam" because to help the lake to be cleaned.

It is also to ensure that these young people ready to become agents of positive change — in their schools, on their campuses, in their future workplaces — in sustainability.
Each year, the event’s participants are taken on a journey, exploring environmental issues of importance. At this year’s event, the issues focused on were catchment areas, corridors and coasts; and water supply.

The participants were exposed to the different water sources and given the opportunity to learn why and how they can protect and preserve the water source.

The activities at the camp were designed for youth, one of the activities were held is River / Lake cleaning.

Kiehl’s and Yawa were also pleased to have the support of local celebrities like Farid Kamil, Dr. Sheikh Muzaffar, Yuna, and Ally Iskandar  to spend a day at the event.

The celebrities, along with the media and the children, planted 60 mangrove saplings at Taman Tasik Shah Alam.

At the event, the participants were taught that mangrove trees play an important part to the eco-system as it protects the coastal areas from erosion, storm surge and tsunamis.
The event also joined by Shah Alam mayor Datuk Mohd Jaafar Mohd Atan, he said the rain trees had grown very fast over the years and some areas looked dark.

“Some 3,310 trees have been planted here and most are rain trees, we have such a big park and it will be a waste if no one uses it,” he said.

The Waste Management Association of Malaysia (WMAM) Chairman, Mr. Ho De Leong said that he always waited the event to be held because it’s really has a good support by locals. As for this year, he also said that he choose Shah Alam lake because he used to went there when he was in high school.

“I used to went there with my family to spend the weekend, so, why not I repay the lake by making this campaign there,” he said.

He also promise that next year will be more exciting event in hope that they will always get more support from any NGO’s or local people.

Group of volunteers cleaning the area

Two volunteers with the ready waste

Shah Alam mayor Datuk Mohd Jaafar do planting